Percocet Detox Symptoms, Timeline, Medications and Treatment

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  1. Why is Detox Necessary for Recovery?
  2. Is Detox from Percocet Dangerous?
  3. Medically-Assisted Detox and Withdrawal
  4. What to Expect During Percocet Detoxification
  5. How Long Does Detox Last?
  6. Percocet Detox Treatment
  7. Choosing the Best Percocet Detox Center

Do I Need Percocet Detox?

Percocet withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable. It can compromise physical and psychological safety if not properly managed. Successful withdrawal and detox are the foundations of recovery from Percocet.
Do I Need Percocet Detox?

Why is Detox Necessary for Recovery?

A planned and monitored detoxification best assures a safe and successful withdrawal. Risks are minimized, and symptoms become tolerable. An abrupt or 'cold turkey' withdrawal is likely to cause so much discomfort that you start using the drug again. A supervised detox greatly increases the chances of success.

The body and mind recuperate during detox, allowing freedom from the preoccupation of:

  • Cravings.
  • Mental confusion.
  • Emotionally upsetting thoughts.

Coping skills for problem-solving, relationships, emotional management and relapse prevention can be learned and practiced.

Recovery from Percocet is badly stunted if you resume use. Any use activates physical and mental cravings that are likely to lead to increased use. If you or a loved one struggle with Percocet addiction, there is a great deal of help and hope.

Please call 1-888-993-3112Who Answers? today to find a Percocet detox option that suits your needs.

Is Detox from Percocet Dangerous?

Percocet withdrawal includes such symptoms as:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea.
  • Fever / sweating.
  • Hypertension.
  • Anxiety.
  • Unstable mood.
  • Fear / confusion.

Such symptoms can exacerbate co-existing conditions. Complications of co-existing conditions can lead to crisis requiring medical care.

Examples of such crisis conditions include:

After detox, some pre-existing neurological / mental health conditions may emerge, and will require medical care. These can include:

  • Psychosis.
  • Mood disorders.
  • Anxiety.
  • Sexual dysfunction.
  • Sleep disturbances.

Why Detoxing at Home Can Be Harmful

Home detox can be dangerous because of complications that de-stabilize physical and psychiatric conditions quickly and severely. Abrupt discontinuation has caused seizures, convulsions and coma.

Additionally, usual symptoms are exceedingly uncomfortable and withdrawal is often 'self-medicated' by resuming use.

Without adequate medical supervision, acute withdrawal symptoms may continue for some days and result in:

  • Malnourishment.
  • Severe dehydration.
  • Extended hypertensive crisis.

Medically-Assisted Detox and Withdrawal

You Are Not Alone Hear from others on their journey through addiction and recovery Medical assistance is recommended for Percocet withdrawal due to physical and psychiatric health risks.

The most common medical method is a gradual lowering (tapering) of the usual dose as medications ease withdrawal symptoms.

This process can last up to 2 weeks, depending upon one's health, the amount of Percocet used and how long it was used.


Withdrawal and detox time can be extended by:

  • Compromised physical or mental health.
  • Larger doses of Percocet.
  • Prolonged use of Percocet.

Another medically assisted method is the rapid Percocet detox. Medication is administered that blocks the effects of Percocet in the body, causing rapid withdrawal.

The brain and body experience an accelerated and intense withdrawal syndrome that can lead to serious medical complications, like seizures.

The precipitating causes of addiction and other symptoms such as cravings are not resolved with rapid detox. With any detox method, further treatment to prevent relapse is recommended.

What to Expect During Percocet Detoxification

Detoxing from Percocet is often likened to the 'flu' with physical symptoms starting within hours of a missed dose and peaking in 12-24 hours.

Most individuals complete detox within 1-2 weeks with discomfort easing in intensity and frequency after several days. Psychological and physical symptoms should be expected, such as:

  • Cravings.
  • Mood changes.
  • Anxiety.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Sleep disturbance.

Detox treatment will provide support to medically manage all symptoms of detox and to help you cope psychologically so that the process is as comfortable as possible. If you or someone you love needs to detox from Percocet, you can call 1-888-993-3112Who Answers? to discuss a plan of action.

How Long Does Detox Last?

Symptoms of Percocet withdrawal typically subside in 1-2 weeks, although some do have lingering symptoms for an extended period of time.

Chronic and/or heavy users can have a protracted or prolonged withdrawal (Protracted Abstinence Withdrawal Syndrome) in which discomfort fluctuates in intensity and continues for some months.

Percocet Detox Treatment

  • To optimize outcomes, Percocet detox should take place in an inpatient setting. Outpatient efforts can often be less effective for tenacious opiate dependencies. Those who attempt outpatient detox are more likely to resume use to ease withdrawal symptoms.

    Also, health risks can be monitored and managed during inpatient detox and withdrawal symptoms can be eased as they occur.

Medications are commonly administered to ease withdrawal symptoms, such as:

  • Naltrexone.
  • Clonidine.
  • Buprenorphine.

Particular symptoms such as gastrointestinal distress and body aches are treated with:

  • Anti-nausea medications.
  • Pain relievers.
  • Hot baths, heating pads or massages.

  • Drug replacement therapy is an option when multiple recovery attempts or chronic use have occurred. Percocet is replaced by a longer-acting medication such as Suboxone or buprenorphine to reduce cravings and potential for intoxication.

    This continues in an outpatient setting after detox.

In all cases, psychological services improve recovery momentum. Continued success can be optimized through:

  • Individual, group and family counseling sessions.
  • Education.
  • Relapse prevention planning.

Withdrawal from Percocet can be eased significantly with medical assistance. A fluctuating condition can be monitored and symptoms treated as they arise.

Choosing the Best Percocet Detox Center

Many options for detoxing and managing Percocet withdrawal complications are available. These include settings in many locations, with a diverse array of accommodations, costs and financing options.

There are affordable community facilities, private luxury facilities and executive-friendly accommodations. To find the right place for you or a loved one, you should consider:

  • Cost.
  • Your ability to finance treatment.
  • Any special treatment needs (co-existing mental or physical problems).
  • Whether to travel or stay locally.
  • The required accommodations or amenities.

It is highly recommended that you seek medical detox for yourself or a loved one in order to most successfully and safely discontinue Percocet. Please call 1-888-993-3112Who Answers? to discuss options for Percocet detox and addiction treatment that meet your individualized needs and preferences.