Cocaine Detox Symptoms, Timeline, Medications and Treatment

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  1. Why is Detox from Cocaine Necessary?
  2. Is Detox from Cocaine Dangerous?
  3. Medically-Assisted Detox and Withdrawal
  4. What to Expect During Detoxification
  5. Cocaine Detox Treatment
  6. Choose The Best Cocaine Detox Center

What is Detox?

There is no recovery from cocaine addiction without detoxification (also called detox). Detoxification is the management of withdrawal, whereby the body rids itself of toxic substances.
What is Detox?

Why is Detox from Cocaine Necessary?

There is no recovery from cocaine addiction without detoxification (also called detox). Detoxification is the management of withdrawal, whereby the body rids itself of toxic substances.

If you are cocaine dependent and stop using cocaine, your body automatically goes into withdrawal because of the absence of the drug in your bloodstream.

Detoxification is much easier and safer--and potentially much more comfortable--when trained medical and health providers manage your withdrawal.

Detox without medical intervention has often been shown to lead to relapse.

Using evidence-based best practices, the acute phase of the recovery process necessitates a period of detoxification. Because it is so unpleasant, and withdrawal symptoms such as cravings for cocaine are so overwhelming, detox without medical intervention has often been shown to lead to relapse.

The primary goal of detox is to restore your body to its natural equilibrium, devoid of the artificial chemical manipulation of cocaine in your system.

Addressing the underlying psychological issues that led to cocaine abuse in the first instance is typically addressed after the first week because the physical withdrawal process is so all consuming.

Is Detox from Cocaine Dangerous?

Detoxing from cocaine can be very dangerous. In addition, detox without the support of health care providers is no simple feat. While the symptoms of cocaine withdrawal are rarely in and of themselves life threatening, the physical damage caused by

long-term use is real and vital signs should be monitored closely. Moreover, cocaine detox can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts, which simply must be addressed by someone with behavioral health expertise.

Why Detoxing at Home Can Be Harmful

Attempting to detox at home is harmful and should be avoided at all costs since the consequences of detoxing at home without trained medical professionals could be dire.

Cocaine withdrawal symptoms are often flu-like in nature, and while not life threatening as such, can sometimes lead to serious health issues that demand immediate medical intervention. Symptoms include: Get Help Today Treatment is available to help you through recovery.

  • Chills.
  • Fatigue and body aches.
  • Shakiness.

In addition to physical issues, detox may cause:

  • Extreme mood swings.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Cravings for more cocaine.
  • Suicidal thoughts.

Trying to manage these intense withdrawal symptoms alone is a recipe for disaster and the results are rarely positive.

Often, these negative emotions are so severe that individuals are simply unable to complete the detoxification process and begin using again to relieve the perceived mental pain. Cocaine dependency is harsh and the detoxification process is scary.

Don't wait for yourself or a loved one to begin the withdrawal and detoxification process alone. Seek help with cocaine dependency by calling to speak to a treatment support team member about addiction treatment options, 24 hours a day, at 1-888-993-3112Who Answers?.

Medically-Assisted Detox and Withdrawal

Medically-assisted cocaine detoxification follows an evidence-based protocol of medications to reduce anxiety and allow the body to heal.

After the acute withdrawal phase, relapse prevention medications such as baclofen, tiagabine and topiramate help to control and reduce the cravings for more cocaine that often accompanies withdrawal.

To address mental health issues that often accompany cocaine abuse and withdrawal, it is recommended that someone begin group and individual therapy and participate in a support group such as Narcotics Anonymous.

However, this can only commence after the initial, acute period of detox is completed. During the first week, a diverse range of recovery support services such as acupuncture, massage and neuro-feedback (a technique that promotes new healthier brain patterns) may be employed.

What to Expect During Detoxification

Ongoing medical and psychological assessment and the administration of medications to reduce physical and mood-related withdrawal symptoms are the primary tools for cocaine detoxification in a facility with trained health care providers.

How Long Does Detox Last?

Cocaine withdrawal and detox lasts for about 2 weeks.

Cocaine withdrawal and concomitant detox usually lasts for approximately 2 weeks, although the duration differs for every individual.

As with other drugs of abuse, the longer someone has been cocaine dependent, the higher the risk that they have developed tolerance and have increased the usage considerably.

The more cocaine consumed over a longer period of time, the more difficult and protracted the detox process will be.

Cocaine Detox Treatment

To summarize, detoxification from cocaine is difficult and unpleasant, but rarely life threatening.

Psychosocial treatment is important during the detox process.The primary goal of health professionals is to keep someone undergoing detox as comfortable and relaxed as possible, given the wide range of debilitating withdrawal symptoms they are likely to experience.

Flu-like symptoms such as fatigue, chills and body aches are common and are treated accordingly.

Certain mental health conditions often go hand in hand with cocaine addiction, and, therefore, psychosocial treatment is as important as medical treatment during the detox process and throughout recovery.

Typical mental health issues that accompany cocaine addiction are:

  • ADHD.
  • Bipolar.
  • Depression.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Schizophrenia.

Consequently, during detox, psychological symptoms that often occur and require treatment are anxiety and depression and extreme cravings for more cocaine.

To obtain guidance on choosing a viable cocaine detoxification program and learn tips on how to transition back into a clean and sober life, please call 1-888-993-3112Who Answers? now.

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Choose The Best Cocaine Detox Center

There are a number of long-standing treatment centers in the U.S. that specialize in cocaine detoxification. Choosing the most appropriate cocaine detox center is largely dependent upon the specific needs of the person entering treatment.

Typically, someone who has been cocaine dependent for an extended period has spent an enormous amount of money obtaining cocaine and often is in a difficult financial situation as a consequence of their cocaine addiction.

For those with very limited financial resources, public sector treatment is available at little or no cost, but identifying these opportunities can be taxing, and admission to detox may be delayed because of a lack of openings for new clients.

Inpatient treatmentFor those with more financial and time resources at hand, cocaine detox and longer-term treatment is available at in-patient treatment centers that are extremely comfortable and in some cases provide luxury amenities and wellness programs, in addition to medical and psychosocial services.