Terry McLeod — Contributor

Mental health and addictions professionals require tools. For a couple decades, Terry McLeod has been a trailblazer providing those tools in the form of Electronic Health Records (EHR). Starting as one of two guys in a garage in the 1980s, McLeod worked with the good idea Gus Johnson developed into affordable EHR software for small mental health clinics. With McLeod as Vice President, Johnson Computing became the most successful company in the niche market of computer records for methadone treatment centers, introducing a level of automation that was unexpected by any of the large software companies of that day and a vendor-partnering with a chemical company that revolutionized the way business was carried out in that field.

As a result, the business moved out of the garage and into corporate America, where McLeod has worked for over 15 years. In the process of serving mental health and addictions treatment, McLeod has attended major conferences for organizations including The National Council, The National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems and the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers. Conferences have enabled McLeod to participate in continuing education with thousands of mental health and addictions treatment professionals, and learn the business needs of the field first-hand.

In pursuit of spreading the EHR, McLeod has interviewed hundreds of mental health and addictions professionals, some icons in their specialties, which led to a logical transition from working for corporations. McLeod is working independently now , currently engaged in creating a marriage between the mental health and addictions professional and the EHR, delivering freelance services to assist purchasing, configuring and implementing software so it delivers the needed return. The problem has been a lack of getting the most out of the expensive software mental health and addictions professionals need to do their jobs while maintaining high treatment quality, compliance with regulations, and assuring the business behind treatment supports the providers. McLeod's experience lends itself well to optimizing use of the EHR.

A person's work doesn't necessarily make a complete life. McLeod's passions are writing and performing music (rock & roll) and skiing (preferably in Telluride, CO).

Random Facts…for those interested: McLeod has practiced meditation for over twenty years. Heroes include the life-changer Dr Wayne Dyer, Wendell Potter the insurance watchdog, and David Lloyd of MTM Consulting. Formal education includes a BS from Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Oregon (a great place to live). Colorful jobs include cowboy, logger, fisherman and over seven years in the business of show business sales and marketing.

Contact McLeod at terry.mcleod@ehrsio.com and get more information from his website and blog, http://ehrsio.com/.

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