Harriet Geller — Contributor

The International Primal Association (IPA) was founded in 1974 as a community of people at all psychotherapeutic levels dedicated to "promoting growth and healing through deep-feeling process." Primal Therapy was developed simultaneously by Arthur Janov (author of The Primal Scream) and several other psychotherapists, including Bill Swartley, Bill Smuckler, and Alec Rubin. This latter group formed the IPA, a non-profit corporation, "to explore, study, research, and promote deep feeling forms of psychotherapy and growth, including those that emphasize uncovering and resolving traumatic experiences, and to develop a community that is congruent with the principles developed from this work."

The IPA achieves its goals via a four-day Spring Retreat and six-day Summer Convention/Retreat each year, an extensive website, an on-line chat group for members, a Facebook account, International Primal Association, and periodic newsletters. Visit the website www.primals.org , which is full of articles from IPA journals and newsletters, a practitioner referral list, links to other sites, and information about membership and events, services, and workshops.

Harriet Geller has been a member of the IPA since 1978. She has served on the board of directors for most of those years, and has been IPA president, secretary, convention/retreat chair, and newsletter editor. In 33 years doing deep-feeling work, her roles have included client, trainee, facilitator, and workshop leader. Please contact her at blogger@primals.org with any questions or comments.

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