The Six "R" Road to Burnout Recovery – Part II: The Stress Doc’s Strategic Brain-Body Map

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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote and kickoff speaker as well as "Motivational Humorist ...Read More

Burnout-Prone Types

The best way to escape the burnout trap:
The Stress Doc’s ™ Strategic Recovery Map
The Map aligns “Six Curative ‘R’s”
A path for all beings – of Venus and Mars.

A path for HE Men – those strong silent types
Who hide complex feelings behind all kinds of stripes.
The “H” is for Humiliation, the “E” for Emptiness
Don’t expect ventilation; you’re asking them to undress!

A path for those SHE Men – martyrs and Saviors
So quick with an “Amen” when providing their favors.
Of course, expecting rewards for “selfless” behaviors.
But when feeling ignored, start rattling their sabers.
Not to play favorites as I rant and rail:
HE Men and SHE Men may be male or female.

Burnout Prone Spaces and Generations

In fact, all manner of types await burnout distress
When the workplace demands chronic “do more with less.”
Forever right-sizing, always upgrading
Are you starting to feel like a mere bill of lading?

How about those Millennials stressed by perennials?
The sound of those groans, the weight of their loans
Fighting the mob for a lottery job
Struggling with bills brings out all kinds of ills –
From family blaming to all-night video gaming.

When Anonymity Meets Insensitivity

Virtual anonymity when lowering empathy
Alas, too often heightens combativity.
Someone makes you wail or bristle;
Forget f-2-f or the phone; configure the email
Start the countdown…launch that e-missile!

Will one implode or explode from the overload
Of non-stop noise and nano-attention?
Which brings us to the final question:
How to stay calm and sane “always on” hyper-media brain?

The Kingdom of Boredom or Does that Niche of Success
Have You Stuck in the Ditch of Excess?

Or is work way boring, devoid of all meaning.
A learning curve can’t be too steep
If doing the job in your sleep.
When the daily routine is devoid of mystery…
Now Mastery times Monotony equals sheer Misery!
If work leaves you weary; the same tired story
Better shake up the puzzle or you will be sorry.

I suspect you’re now ready for that Six “R” Strategy:
First there’s Running and Reading for a mind that’s misleading.
Next Retreating and Writing to become more en-light-ning.
Then Relating and Risk-Taking for a work-life awakening.
And with Part III we begin outlining “Recovery Strategy.”