New Magazine Accepting Submissions

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Kathryn Patricelli, MA was an editor with from 2004-2015. She received her Master's Degree in Counseling and Psychological Services, and holds a Bachelor’s ...Read More

As our site director, Mark Dombeck, Ph.D., commented recently in his introduction to our new Bipolar True and Factual topic center, “here on Mental Help Net, we are blessed with many useful writings by therapists and doctors of various varieties. We have fewer writings by people who those therapists and doctors work with. I hope to remedy this structural lapse as we go forward.”

With the addition of that new topic center, as well as the wonderful Asylum Squad Comic Strip by Sarafin about her experiences with Schizophrenia, we are beginning to remedy that situation.

We wanted to make you aware of a new magazine that is also seeking to share the stories and creative submissions from young adults who have mental illness.

The Painted Brain is a magazine for and by young adults (18-30) with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and other mental illnesses. They are seeking submissions for their November issue. The theme for that upcoming issue is ‘Escapism’ and they are also seeking personal stories about hospitalization experiences. Anonymous submissions are always welcome. They accept art, poetry, stories, photography and even rants. They can be contacted at for more information. The deadline for this issue is September 26th.

We encourage those who are interested in sharing their experiences to consider submitting material to the magazine as a way to continue to get personal stories and experiences about mental illness into media sources.
