New Child Development and Parenting: Adolescence Topic Center

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Kathryn Patricelli, MA was an editor with from 2004-2015. She received her Master's Degree in Counseling and Psychological Services, and holds a Bachelor’s ...Read More

We are very pleased to announce that we have added a new center to the site that provides information on the adolescent developmental period. This is a lengthy period of transition spanning the ages of 12-24 years. Although developmental theorists refer to adolescence as a single developmental period, it is often sub-divided into early, middle, and late adolescence.

The goal of this new center is to provide parents, and other caregivers of adolescent youth, practical suggestions about how to best guide and direct their children during this time of significant change. Because successful parenting strategies are dependent upon whether a child has reached early, middle, or late adolescence, each section of this article will discuss parenting challenges and solutions according to these three different periods of adolescence.

The center consists of 48 pages of material in 11 Chapters including:

Introduction to Adolescent Parenting
Healthy Teens: Food, Eating & Nutrition During Adolescence
Healthy Teens: Exercise and Sports
Healthy Teens: Sleep
Parenting Teens: Clothing Clashes, Housing Decisions, & Financial Management
Parenting Teens: Skincare, Cosmetics, Tattoos, & Piercings
Caring for Teens: Healthcare for Teens and Young Adults
Parenting Teens: Discipline, Love, Rules & Expectations
A Parent’s Guide to Protecting Teens’ Health and Safety
Adolescent Parenting Summary & Conclusion
Adolescent Parenting: References & Resources

We hope you will find this material helpful. Thanks!