is Looking for Clinician Bloggers

MentalHelp independently researches, tests, and reviews products and services which may benefit our readers. Where indicated by “Medically Reviewed by”, Healthcare professionals review articles for medical accuracy. If you buy something through our links, or engage with a provider, we may earn a commission.
Kathryn Patricelli, MA was an editor with from 2004-2015. She received her Master's Degree in Counseling and Psychological Services, and holds a Bachelor’s ...Read More

Do you ever write or speak on mental health or psychotherapy topics? Do you maintain a blog on mental health topics?

Are you looking for creative and free ways to promote your practice?

We build ongoing relationships with professional clinical bloggers who write original content for us regularly at least once per month and up to once per week.

If you’d like to be considered, please send samples or a link to your blog and we’ll review them right away.

If we like what you’ve created, we will work with you to publish your work on Mental Help Net with a complete byline, photograph and live links to your website, clinician’s listing page on Mental Help Net and other contact information so that prospective clients reading your article(s) can find you.

Please submit your material to ‘’ so that we can become aware of your interest.

Thank you!