Marriage and Pornography

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Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D. was in private practice for more than thirty years. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the states ...Read More

c. encouraging one another to go to the doctor of one of them was not feeling well


It seems fairly obvious that an important aspect of a happy marriage is the ability to fully share sexuality. Refusing to engage in love-making, retreating to aloneness to watch pornography and masturbate, maintaining a secret life, and constant arguing are all problems that interfere with having a happy marriage.

Unhappy marriages are never the fault of just one person. Whether the issues are money, sex, jealousy, child rearing or anything else, it takes two people to create unhappiness.

There are many self help books available for couples to read together about how to improve their marriages and sex lives together. Ultimately, there is also marriage therapy.

What are your views on this important issue?