Is the Stress Carrier a Modern Day Vampire? – Part II

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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote and kickoff speaker as well as "Motivational Humorist ...Read More

Do you allow an invader to become a “stress carrier”?
One who never gets ulcers; only gives them to others.
So how to disarm that blame-throwing charm:
When s/he is sad, it’s, “You made me feel bad!”
A coiled tongue and blood lips launch many guilt trips.
There’s but one loser to a mental “acc-you-ser” –
Not seeing their view, “You haven’t a clue.”
For life’s “black or white,” and God knows they are right!

Some play a trick song; they string you along
Acting so shyly, then “Oh, really” so slyly.
Now in ten seconds flat, “You cannot believe that.”
Before dropping the gong: “I think…you are so wrong!”
Some are more subtle, allowing rebuttal.
Eyes gazing calmly, smiling so warmly
Of course, paying no mind, they’ll pay you in kind:
With a low-key attack: a text in your back.

So the name of the game is shifting the blame
For like a vampire, who won’t let you expire…
He keeps you alive, so that ego can thrive
Injecting his shame while choking your flame.
For him it’s full moon, for you the cocoon.

Please, don’t give up hope; there’s breakaway rope.
The very first choice: trust in your voice…then
To outsmart this trap: grab the next Rap!