Going MADD – Media Addiction and Digital Distraction: Better Detox from Your Inbox Part II

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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote and kickoff speaker as well as "Motivational Humorist ...Read More

Better Detox from Your Inbox – It Takes Two to Tangle: Part II (see Part I here)

Conflict with a colleague
Just two cubes away…
Dirty Harry fantasies:
Go ahead…Make my day!
Just blast an e-message
Forget face to face.
The ‘e’ in email
Stands for “escape.”
(By the way, your email makes such a loud whistle
Are you sending a text or an e-missile?)

Better detox from that inbox
When texts always SCREAM – “Right NOW!” attention
Might this just mean a power addiction?
What comes through is a “Little Napoleon”
Who needs to be exiled, some time on the rocks
Better detox from your inbox.

Your “so-called” emergency
Will not be my anxiety.
And who made you
Queen of the sorority?
Just like me, you put on pants and socks.
Might be time for the school of hard knocks
Better detox from your inbox.

Well let me reach closure
Before I break bad
On those always bragging
About their iPad.
Some words to consider
They are pretty rad:
I do not mean to sound unkind…
Keep your iPad; I prefer an I-Mind!

Better detox from that inbox
Any more words would just be a crock.
Will you stand out or be just one of the flock?
Better detox from that game box
Better detox from your inbox.