Going MADD – Media Addiction and Digital Distraction: Better Detox from Your Inbox Part I

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Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, is an acclaimed keynote and kickoff speaker as well as "Motivational Humorist ...Read More

Better Detox from Your Inbox – A PSYCHO-Cultural Perspective: Part I

It’s a multi-media age
With ADD all of the rage.
Instant gratification
Simply one more frustration.
Waiting five seconds…OMG a delay!!!
Knots in the stomach; your hair’s turning gray
Starting to panic; can’t keep BOREDOM at bay.
Only one thing to do: Start texting away!

Better detox from that inbox
Life can be tough without the “right stuff”
Like when your smartphone
Is never quite smart enough.
Stop comparing yourself to high-tech & text jocks
Better detox from your inbox.

Headsets and smartphones
Grow from every ear
And soon Google glasses
Will make it appear
That early adapters
Have their heads up their a*ses
But with cutting-edge glasses
Ha, they can look out front and rear.

Better detox from that inbox
Being “all thumbs,” once made you a clod.
Today you’re a text-wizard…
You don’t find that odd?
Way past the time for taking stock
Better detox from your inbox.

All night gaming is mind inflaming.
Does it inspire or trip a brain wire?
Net addiction is hardly a fiction:
Quick, damn…need a connection!
A video injection will do me just fine
Who needs to see when you’re flying blind.
Sure it’s insane to deaden all pain…but
You never pine for that dopamine line?
Just gotta play, “As the World Columbines!”

Better detox from that Xbox
Always textin and tweetin
All that Candy Crush cheatin
Only feeds junk food thinkin
About online sex, shopping, and stocks
Better detox from your inbox.