Adult Male Circumcision and Sexual Satisfaction

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Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D. was in private practice for more than thirty years. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the states ...Read More

There is a lot of mythology and downright incorrect information about sexuality the world wide. Many of the myths have to do with male sexuality, the penis, sexual satisfaction, circumcision and related issues. There are equally distorted views about female sexuality. This posting is focused on a single aspect of male sexuality: Circumcision.

While many cultures worldwide practice circumcision on male children and adults there is a persistent set of false beliefs about circumcision reducing sexual pleasure for men, turning men into passive and non-sexual beings who are unable to be aggressive, and, etc. Today, more than ever, circumcision of men has become an important health issue because it appears to prevent the spread of HIV disease.

The British Journal Of Urology published the results of a work conducted on circumcision of adult men. The study was conducted based on the fact that circumcised men have a seriously decreased chance of getting HIV disease from an infected woman. One of the most significant aspects of the study is the large and random sample of men who were used. The study tested 45,000 men before and after the surgery. In addition, a large number of the men were asked to delay their surgery in order that they serve as a control group. The study was conducted in Uganda and the men were married to one woman, Catholic and educated. The surgery was completely elective.

The results were dramatic in that 98% of the men reported no decrease in their ability to perform and enjoy sex compared to the same number for non circumcised men. In addition follow up studies showed no change in sexual performance and satisfaction. In other words, all the men who underwent the circumcision surgery were fully able to continue to achieve full erections, achieve penetration and orgasm without any difficulties.

Besides shedding light on the fact that circumcision can be performed safely on adult men, the study clarifies former dark and mythical fears that somehow men who underwent this procedure either as adults or babies are in no way different than any other men.

There will be more postings about sexual issues and mistaken beliefs.

Your comments are welcome and encouraged

Allan N. Schwartz, PhD