15 Minutes Could Save You…a Child

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Life gets busy. In fact, it can easily become a...

Life gets busy. In fact, it can easily become a never-ending checklist. And these tasks can keep us from enjoying the people around us – the very people we love the most. Our frantic pace and lack of intentionality can make us miss out on so much.

With life running in high gear, we can easily lose precious daily opportunities to pour into our kids.

Just 900 Seconds

Too often, we falsely believe that we have to have quantity to make quality. In truth, experts tell us that just 15 minutes can make a huge difference. Taking these small chunks of time with our kids is a great way to establish healthy relationships, create fond memories, and form healthy patterns in their lives.

These intentional investments of time can make all the difference as they grow into teens and adults. How? A consistent combination of these six activities can make a huge impact. These 15-minute interludes can strengthen your relationship with your child and help them develop in healthy ways.

  • SnugglesResearch has shown that touch is extremely beneficial for both children and parents. There’s even biology behind it! Touch triggers the release of oxytocin, a naturally occurring hormone produced by our brains. Known as the “love hormone,” it results in feelings of love and satisfaction. Physical contact also helps improve a child’s cognitive and emotional development, regulate hormones, and decrease parental stress. So, make the time to snuggle. Sit close while reading a book. Let your child sit on your lap for a bit. Hold the kid who has just skinned his knee.
  • Agenda-free time – Kids’ schedules can get as busy as working adults’. Constantly having an agenda can take its toll. Too much activity is stressful, even if the activities are healthy. Allow for some down time. Balance your child’s schedule with “no-schedule” slots. It’s ok to simply sit and relax. Enjoy a cup of cocoa. Crack open a coloring book. Jam out to some music. Sit on the patio and watch the birds and butterflies.
  • Play time – This doesn’t have to look the same each time. Mix it up with sports (catch, basketball), imagination (tea parties, Legos, toy food) and interactive (hide and seek, dancing, wrestling). Just a few minutes playing together helps you engage with your child and helps them engage with the world.
  • Pre-dinner outdoor play – Send them outside for a few minutes before dinner or before starting in on homework. This provides a healthy release of energy and helps them get the exercise they need. Plus, research has shown that exposure to nature reduces stress, anxiety and depression.
  • End-of-day sharing – Take a few minutes to listen to your child at bedtime. Ask about their day. Revisit any topics from earlier that need more attention. Make plans for the future. Let them ask questions. These 15-minute intimate intervals deepen your emotional connection with your child and help them process the day’s events.
  • Decluttering – Did you know that clutter and unfinished household tasks can cause both stress and depression? By taking just a few minutes to clean up a playroom or organize a closet, you can create a more restful and restorative environment for you and your children. Let them pitch in. You’d be surprised what you can get done in 15 minutes!



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