Stress Reduction And Management

Stress Prevention

There’s an old saying, "the best defense is often a good offense." This saying is as true of stress management as it is of sports or war. It takes effort and time to become skillful at defusing stress. The process itself can even be stressful! It much smarter, then, to spend some time developing good stress prevention skills that minimize the need for strenuous self-soothing efforts in the first place. Consequently, we now turn our discussion towards steps people can take to reduce and minimize their chances of becoming distressed.

Stress prevention is basically about cultivating a balanced perspective towards one’s life and place within the world. Generally speaking, the following steps will allow people to reduce stress:

  • becoming aware of what true needs are and are not
  • understanding how to meet true needs (rejecting mere wishes masquerading as true needs)
  • becoming able to resist being exploited or manipulated by other people