Simple Things You Can Do To Improve The Quality Of Your Life

You can do many simple things to improve the quality of your life-things that are free or that would not cost very much—things that would make you feel better. Check off which of the following ideas appeals to you. Then note how you could make it happen.

  • Increase your exposure to colors you enjoy (for example, change the colors in your home, wear clothes of color you enjoy). If you feel it would be helpful to increase your exposure to colors you enjoy, how could you make this happen?
  • Arrange to have more music in your life (for example, go to concerts, listen to the radio, CD's or tapes, learn to play an instrument, playing an instrument. How could you make this happen?
  • Increase your exposure to art (for example, going to museums and art galleries, hang posters and paintings in your home, take an art course). How could you make this happen?
  • Increase your exposure to the water (for example, live near water, swim, spend time near water, use a hot tub). How could you make this happen?


As you read through this chapter and answered the questions, you may have felt overwhelmed with all the things you need to do to help yourself feel better and improve the quality of your life. Review the articles and write down one or two things you want to work on right away. Then, begin working on them. When you feel you have made some good progress on those issues, review the booklet again and choose something else to work on. Keep doing this until you have made your life the way you want it to be. Do it at your own pace. Take small steps—gradually they create big change.

Sourced in November 2013 from:

Center for Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15-99
Rockville, MD 20857