Lifestyle Changes And Stroke Resources

As mentioned previously, the experience of stroke or transient ischemic attack should be a wakeup call that cardiovascular illness is present and needs to be treated and remedied as soon as possible. While patients should consult with their doctors to obtain the latest and most effective medical treatments appropriate for their condition, there are also several relatively simple lifestyle changes that can substantially reduce the risk for stroke recurrence. As with any lifestyle modification program, it is important to check with your doctor before making major changes to how you are living.

  • Quit Smoking. The first change in your life (if applicable) should be to quit smoking. This is often one of the hardest lifestyle changes to make, but it is also one of the most important. As mentioned previously, chemicals within tobacco smoke damage arterial walls. These damaged vessel walls provide irregular surfaces where blood clots that can lead to strokes are more likely to form. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen present in the blood, making the heart work harder to provide a constant supply of oxygen to the body. In addition, smoking can also cause other serious and life-threatening diseases (e.g., lung and heart disease). When people quit smoking, their risk of having a stroke decreases immediately. However, it takes several years of sustained non-smoking until the full health benefit of not smoking is realized.

    Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is an addictive drug that many smokers become "hooked on". Nevertheless, many people have managed to quit smoking. There are numerous stop-smoking programs and medical treatment options available. Employee Assistance Programs and medical professionals can often refer you to techniques, support groups and helpful classes on quitting smoking.

  • Eat A Healthy Diet. Your dietary choices can inflate or lessen your stroke risk. As obesity is a risk factor for stroke, returning to a recommended weight for your body size is important. In addition to the amount of food (and calories) you consume, it is also important to pay attention to the types of food you eat. Dietary sources of cholesterol can be decreased by eating a nutritious non-dairy vegetarian diet. If a completely vegetarian diet is not for you, know that substantially lowering the amount of meat and dairy products you consume (without giving them up entirely), and eating more vegetables and fruits can also lower your cholesterol intake. In either case, limiting the total amount of fat grams you take in each day, and also paying closest attention to limiting saturated fats, trans-fatty acids, and partially-hydrogenated oils (found in foods like butter, certain oils, salad dressings and some desserts) is a good idea. You should check with your doctor before making dietary changes.
  • Exercise Regularly. Getting regular aerobic exercise that raises your heart rate for extended periods of time (brisk walking, jogging, swimming, court sports, etc.) is another way to lower your stroke risk. Aerobic activities strengthen your cardiovascular system, and help manage cholesterol levels. As a stroke patient, you should check with your doctor before beginning any new program of exercise to make sure that it will be safe for you. Your doctor may use a stress test (where you are hooked up to heart monitors while walking rapidly on a treadmill) to determine what level of activity is most appropriate for you. Current recommendations for physical activity range from 30-90 minutes per day, depending on your goal. To learn more about diet and exercise visit Dietary Guidelines for Americans
  • Get Your Affairs In Order. Stroke is a sometimes disabling event that can rob people of the ability to communicate their wishes. All adults should prepare a "living will" in advance of developing health problems such as stroke. These documents help people articulate their desires for medical intervention and life support in the event that they are not able to speak for themselves. It may also be appropriate to designate a "health care proxy" who can make decisions for you in the event that you are unable to do so. Stroke survivors who don't have such a document prepared should strongly consider preparing such a document now. Discussing end-of-life issues can be hard for some people, but having this discussion with family members allows all relevant parties to be apprised of an individual's wishes ahead of time. Click here for more information on end of life planning.


National Stroke Association

American Stroke Association

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

American Heart Association

Obesity and Stress