Getting Good Health Care

You deserve good health care. If you have a good health insurance plan, this won't be a problem. If you don't, or your access to health care is limited, see what is available in your community that is free or has sliding scale fees you could afford. Call your local department of health, health care agencies, or your local hospital to check on available options. While it may be hard for you to access good health care, it is worth making the effort to get what you need and deserve for yourself.

  • Do you get good health care for yourself?
  • Do you have a general health care practitioner or a team of health care professionals who know you and your life circumstances? Can they provide you with valuable assistance in monitoring your health–giving you advice on treatment, providing treatment when necessary, and referring you to other health care providers when necessary?
  • What could you do to ensure that you get good health care for yourself?
  • Do you get a complete physical check-up every year?
  • If not, what could you do to make this happen?

Go to your check-up with a list of all the medications and health care preparations you are using, a history of your illnesses and surgeries and those of close family members, and any symptoms that have you concerned.

Don't think anything is too trivial. The mildest symptoms may give your health care provider the needed clues to provide you with good treatment. See your health care provider if your condition changes or worsens.

Don't be satisfied with the outcome of your visit until all your questions have been answered and you feel comfortable with the answers and with suggested treatment strategies. If necessary, arrange follow-up visits. If treatment is recommended, especially if the situation is serious or requires surgery, get a second opinion.

  • Do you feel that you are getting good health care?
  • If not, what are you going to do about it?

Sourced in November 2013 from:

Center for Mental Health Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 15-99
Rockville, MD 20857