Common Baby Medical Concerns

When infants start showing signs of being sick, parents and caregivers can become worried quickly. This following section will look at how to recognize certain illnesses and uncomfortable physical conditions in babies, how to treat those conditions while keeping babies comfortable, and how to know when to call the doctor. One way that parents and caregivers can help is to try to prevent them from becoming sick in the first place. Keep all well-baby checkups and immunization appointments as discussed earlier. Maintain basic hygiene, such as washing hands before handling the baby, coughing or sneezing away from the baby, and limiting their exposure to sick people will help prevent babies from contracting communicable diseases.

It is important for new parents to remember that colds and ear infections, along with non-infectious conditions such as teething and croup, are all common in a baby's life. These occurrences does not reflect poorly on parenting abilities, but caring for babies with these conditions does reflect a parent's or caregiver's dedication to their child's well-being.