Cognitive Disorders Web Resources

Administration on Aging

Contains information about the Older Americans Act and associated programs geared toward families dealing with dementia. A section especially for elders and families includes information about Alzheimer's resources, healthy lifestyles, elder rights and abuse issues, and programs specifically for caregivers, such as the National Family Caregiver Support Program.

Alzheimer's Association

Contains information about Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, both for caregivers and for people with dementia. The Alzheimer's Association is a non-profit voluntary health organization comprised of chapters around the country that provide services such as a telephone helpline, support groups for both caregivers and those in the early stages of dementia, care consultations, caregiver trainings, identification bracelets, and referrals to local services. Chapters can be located and linked to at this site.

Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral Center (ADEAR)

The information clearinghouse on Alzheimer's disease for the National Institute on Aging, which is part of the National Institutes of Health. Contains access to several ADEAR publications and audiovisual materials - many of which are free - that can be downloaded or ordered through the mail.

Alzheimer's Foundation of America

Another non-profit voluntary health organization providing information on Alzheimer's and other kinds of dementia, although this organization is geared more toward caregivers and does not have local chapters. However, "member organizations" across the country provide services such as consultation, education, identification bracelets, respite care, and support groups.

Family Caregiver Alliance

A non-profit organization focusing on caregivers of those with dementia and other chronic conditions. A large collection of educational materials are available online, as well as discussion forums and information about conferences and trainings for caregivers. This group also advocates for more and better services for caregivers.

Lewy Body Dementia Association

A non-profit organization specifically for individuals diagnosed with Lewy body dementia, their caregivers, and professionals who work with this population. Provides information about Lewy body dementia, a discussion forum, telephone helpline, support groups, and a newsletter.

National Family Caregivers Association

This non-profit organization seeks to educate and support caregivers while advocating for their rights to adequate services and non-discriminatory accommodation by employers. The website includes a collection of online fact sheets and other educational materials, a newsletter, links to disease-specific information and agencies, and updates on public policy issues relevant to caregivers.