ADHD Overview

Attention deficit disorder is characterized by the main features of distractibility, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. It occurs in both children and adults, and interferes with the person's ability to function normally in their day-to-day activities, such as work, school, and at home. While we do not yet fully understand the causes behind these problems, there are many readily available and effective treatments for attention deficit problems.

Diagnosing this disorder can be difficult since it is common for many people to have some of the symptoms of this disorder to some degree, such as difficulty paying attention or being easily distracted. Also, some of the symptoms of ADHD can manifest as anxiety or depression. Therefore, prevalence rates for this disorder are difficult to precisely pin down. However, according to recent epidemiological statistics, approximately 4 percent of the population within the United States has ADHD. About one-half to two-thirds of children who are diagnosed will continue to have some difficulties with ADHD during their adulthood.

The diagnosis of ADHD or ADD cannot be done online. This informational resource can help you better understand these problems and give you more confidence when contacting a mental health professional for appropriate treatment.

It is normal for children to be easily distracted at various stages throughout their development for short periods of time. Most children grow out of such stages naturally on their own. Do not become alarmed if you find that you or your child may match many of the symptoms listed -- this is likely one of the most overly diagnosed mental health problems today.

In order for ADHD or ADD to be diagnosed properly, it is important that the problems to be noted happen in multiple settings, that they have been consistently observed for 6 months or longer, and that many such symptoms of lack of attention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity are easily apparent.

We have developed the information here to act as a comprehensive guide to help you better understand the symptoms, causes, and treatments for attention deficit problems, whether you're an adult or a child. We've developed this resource to help you discover more information about these problems on your own.