

There are many resources for families and professionals seeking information on autism and PDDs. Resources include books, articles and Internet websites. This list provides examples of information created by professionals, caregivers and individuals with autism. The list is by no means complete, but it does provides a good foundation.

Resources Created by Professionals


  • Navigating the Social World, by Jeanette McAfee, M.D. Future Horizons, 2001
  • Solving the Relationship Puzzle, by Steven Gutstein, PhD. Future Horizons, 2001
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders From A to Z, by Barbara T. Doyle and Emily Doyle Iland. Future Horizons, 2004
  • Health Care and The Autism Spectrum, by Alison Morton-Cooper. Jessica Kingsly Publishers, 2004


Resources Created by Parents and Caregivers


  • The Siege: A Family's Journey into the World of an Autistic Child, by Clara Clayborne Park. 1982; renewed 1995
  • Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism, by Catherine Maurice. Ballentine Books, 1993
  • Facing Autism, by Lynn M. Hamilton. Waterbook Press, 2000.
  • Unraveling the Mystery of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorder : A Mother's Story of Research & Recovery, by Karyn Seroussi. Simon and Schuster, 2000.


Resources Created by People with Autism or Related Diagnoses

Perhaps the most valuable resources for learning about autism and related developmental disorders are those created by authors and researchers who themselves have a PDD diagnosis. Such authors' insights into how PDD diagnosed people perceive their environment and how their minds work to organize experiences provide a unique window that can help parents and professionals develop strategies to increase affected children's' social, communication and independent living skills.


  • Emergence: Labeled Autistic, by Temple Grandin and Margaret Scariano. Warner Books, 1986
  • Thinking in Pictures, by Temple Grandin. Doubleday, 1995
  • Dancing in Cornmeal: Life With Autism, by Nannette B. Silverman. Writers Club Press, 2002

Comprehensive list of books by autistic authors can be found at:
