Abused Drug Categories

How are drugs classified?

Drugs and medications of abuse can be grouped together into categories based on similarities between:

  • How they work.
  • What effects they will produce in the human body and brain.

A useful categorization scheme follows. We'll consider each class of drugs in turn, but if you want to, you can skip ahead to read about the particular drug class that interests you most.

How are drugs classified?

Central Nervous System Depressants

  • Alcohol
  • Barbiturates ['ludes, sleepers, downers, tranquilizers]
  • Benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan, Librium, Xanax, Ambien) [sleepers, downers, tranquilizers]

Central Nervous System Stimulants

  • Cocaine (Crack, Blow, Nose, Snow, Toot, White, Rock, Flake)
  • Amphetamine & Methamphetamine (Ritalin, Meth, Uppers, Bennies, Crank, Crystal)
  • Caffeine (Coffee)
  • Nicotine (Cigarettes, Chew)



  • Marijuana (Marinol, Pot, Grass, Weed, Brick, Joint, Thai Stick, Mary Jane)
  • Hashish (Hash, Ganja, Rope)


  • LSD (Acid)
  • Mescaline (Cactus)
  • Psilocybin, ('Shrooms, Mushrooms)
  • MDMA (Love Drug, "X", Ecstacy)


  • Aerosol sprays
  • Glues
  • Paint Thinner
  • Gasoline

Other Drugs of Abuse

  • PCP (Angel Dust)