Why Do I See Words And Numbers In My Mind...


Whenever I look at an object I see a word that tells me what that object is and, in more cases than not, a word that describes the color of the object. I have been diagnosed with ADHD by medical professionals. Anyway, when I look at, for example, a jacket, I see the word in my mind: “jacket.” When I see a uniquely colored object, such as a red jacket, I see in my mind: “red jacket.” I don’t do this intentionally. When I’m familiar with what an object is or what the name of it is, I’ll automatically recall it when I see it.

As for numbers, when I see a group of objects that are the same, I see them as numbered. Of course, this is assuming that there is a reasonable amount of them and that they are not miniscule. Each of them has its own number and I sort them into groups that way. What may be the cause of this?

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My guess is that what you are experiencing has nothing to do with ADHD but more with anxiety. To be specific, what you are describing are symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Generally speaking, people do not choose to do or think these types of things when they have OCD. It’s involuntary and very much tied to anxiety. The anxiety is often hidden, unless you ask yourself what may be bothering you when this happens.

I can only venture an opinion here and it is not based on very much. If these symptoms are bothering or interfereing with you then I urge you to see your ADHD psychiatrist or psychologist an have them consider what might be going on.

Good Luck

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