What Is Happening To Me?


I am almost 55 years old and for some reason about 2 weeks ago something changed in my body. I have this very increased feeling of wanting to get off from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep. This is constant for the entire day. It is at the point of being painful to me. It is a dull pain that does not go away even after relieving my self. I wake up with my underwear wet from the orgasim. I can not sleep because of this. I am always wet and have to wear panty liners. It even smells bad sometimes. I had all female reproductive organs removed when I was 25 years of age due to cancer. I have had a great sex life and still do. But even when I am not in the mood my body is. I do have diabetes and not sure if that has anything to do with it. What is wrong with me? Can you help me? Or even just suggest something for me. Thank you..

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My very first thought upon reading your E. Mail question is that this constant feeling of strong sexual arousal could very well be caused by something physiological. In other words, I am advising you to see your MD.

I assume that you have posted your question on Mental Help.Net because you suspect something psychological. However, not all problems are mental in nature. This has the tone of something biological.

For example, there could be a hormonal problem, or, something wrong with your medications or dosages, or some other problem more gynecological in nature. You also have diabetes, and a history of cancer.

Your very first step, to protect your health and well being, is to get a full medical examination for your complaint. Also, I suggest you act quickly on this.

Best of Luck

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