

For some time, a mentally ill person has been following me around. I complained to the police and also referred him to a mental health institute. After almost an year in the institute, he was released. He started ringing me up again. Sometimes, he is very lucid while sometimes I can barely make out what he wishes to say. I never tried to talk to him to find out what is that he wants as I am scared that it would encourage him further. He seems to be obsessed with me. Do these symptoms indicate any particular psychological disorder? I would like to know more as that may help me to deal with this problem.

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Although your stalker-friend may be mentally ill, he is still stalking you. Therefore I see this as more of an issue of how to keep you safe, than what is wrong with this guy. Knowing what is wrong with this guy won’t help either of you too much, I don’t think. He may or may not be psychotic. He may or may not be delusionally obsessed with you. It doesn’t matter what exactly is wrong with him. Ultimately his behavior is frightening and potentially dangerous. What is most wrong with this guy, from your point of view, ought to be that he is stalking you. Consider this a criminal problem and not a mental health one. Get an unlisted phone number. Get the police involved – or at least start to get them to document that this man is stalking you. Get a restraining order if you can. Do what you need to do to be safe.

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