She Confuses Me


Anne, I recently divorced my husband of 20 years and fell totally in love with a woman. She confuses me. Sometimes she comes on to me and other times she seems distant. I desperately want a relationship with this woman, but she seems to be holding back and I don’t know why. I can’t even sleep because of her. This has been going on since March, and my patience is running out. Do you have any words of wisdom for an aching heart? Thanks!

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There are a lot of reasons why she could be reticent. She may be unsure of what she wants, or afraid that your relationship is going too fast, or it could be that something else is going on in her life right now… The one thing that strikes me about your story is the speed with which it seemed to happen. You just divorced your husband of twenty years and already you are desperately in love? Have you considered that this could be a rebound relationship? I suggest you take a step back and asses your situation. This is a good time to be rediscovering who you are outside of a relationship, rather than jumping right into another one. Good luck to you, – Anne

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