OCD And Trauma?


Hello Dr. Swartz,

I hope you might be able to point me in the right direction. I have, I believe, OCD, as I have some issues. For example, I have to flex my wrists and ankles if I see anyone bend their’s, or I have to bend my own. I am having horrible aversion to sex,  sexual touching, kissing, etc. I had this under control for some time but now I can’t seem to conquer it. I don’t know what to do. I’m married and I have children. How do I find a local doctor who is qualified and experienced to help me? This is ruining my life. I suspect I endured some type of sexual violence as a child but don’t remember much from childhood at all. I have very limited memories. What can I do??

Thank you for your time, C

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It certainly is within the realm of possibility that you have OCD. Only a qualified clinical psychologist can diagnose that for sure. At the very least, it does seem that you have lots of anxiety and that may explain some of your symptoms. In fact, OCD is really an anxiety disorder.

As for some type of trauma from the distant past, there is no way to be sure if you cannot remember it. Your symptoms do not appear PTSD which would be most likely if you were sexually molested or suffered some other trauma as a child. Although some might not agree with me, I suspect that you would remember any severe trauma when you were a child. That is an opinion.

There are a number of ways to find a psychologist who can give you a diagnosis and treatment. For one, you can ask your medical doctor or primary care physician for a referral to a local psychologist. Some people us the internet to do a search for therapists in local areas. However, that comes without a recommendation. Assuming you have health insurance, you could look up psychologists in your health network and be assured that fees would be covered for treatment. Some people use suggestions from friends who have been in treatment. Some others ask for referrals from their priest, pastor or rabbi.

In my opinion, a good starting place is your medical doctor or insurance network.

I congratulate you for wanting treatment. Do not delay so that you can start getting help now.

Best of Luck

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