Obsessional Man


I know I suffer from varying degrees of OCD. Mainly checking stoves and locks. This manifests when I am under more stress. My question concerns my appetite for rocks, hair pulling, and picking at myself. The ingestion of rocks can be explained by a documented phosphorus deficiency and probably the lack of other minerals. I have never had any mental treatment and know that a Prozac or similar medication could provide relief, but I absolutely do not want to be on medication and I know that I probably would not seek treatment, since I never had. These behaviors are time consuming and life altering. Every day I try not to do these things and every day I fail. What can you suggest barring the two previous solutions. Thanks.

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I assume that you’ve tried most everything you can think of and are reporting consistent failure. If I understand you properly you are saying that you want to know how to stop having these problems you describe without going for treatment or taking any medication. My answer is – I don’t know the answer to that one. It’s as if you’ve tied your hands behind your back and now are asking me how you can safely drive a car in that condition. It doesn’t work well to try and solve these sorts of problems with willpower alone.

The past is usually about the best predictor of the future as we have available to us. Based on your past consistent failure to make any impact on your symptoms I would urge you to please reconsider your willingness to seek treatment. Seeking treatment would be different – and would have a better chance of working than willpower. There are excellent behavioral therapies (that do not require medications) for obsessional disorders. A competent behavioral psychologist can help you with that sort of thing. There are also medications that can help calm the obsessions and impulsivity you are reporting. These are not bad things – these medicines. They can really help a person. I hope you will seek out at least a Behavioral Psychologist and hopefully also a psychiatrist and work with them towards some needed relief.

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