How To Get Off Focalin


I will keep it quick. I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2002 and have been taking medicine ever since. I am now taking 60mg of Focalin a day and I just want to stop taking it because I am stubborn and I want to live life without pills at least for a while. What is the best method to get my body safely off something it has been getting everyday for over 5 years? Should I expect withdrawl? And just to save you from having to tell me I am going to do this under the guidance of my doctor but I just want another opinion about what to expect. Thanks

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First, let me caution you that I am NOT a physician and cannot inform you of the best method for getting off of this medicine because that is something beyond my expertise. If you suddenly stop taking Focalin you will experience side effects. It is necessary that you gradually withdraw from this medication in order to avoid serious side effects. Done gradually, you should experience either a minimum of or no side effects at all.

Let me also say that I cannot blame you for wanting to get off of a medicine, especially if you can live and function without it. Focalin is powerful and has unpleasant side effects.

What I hope you have been doing for the last five years is learning how to control your ADHD symptoms. If that has not happened, I want to urge you to see someone who has expertise in this area. There are many skills and techniques that you can acquire that will make the medication unnecessary. I am not referring to "talk therapy" but to skills training with a coach who is trained in ADHD with adults or a therapist who knows how to teach the important skills.

Your Email sounds a bit angry and I cannot blame you for that. I am not an advocate for people being on medication if they do not need to be. In this case, there is so much you can learn to do to help you control this ADHD thing that it really not be necessary to just be taking a medicine that can have serious side effects.

Best of luck and I hope you get off of the pills and control your life with your own skills and abilities.

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