How Do I Get Medical Treatment For My Medicine Refill Without Insurance?


I have been diagnosed with adhd, an anxiety disorder and depression.  I have not had insurance for almost a year and my medicine is either out or are really low. What do i do? I have six kids and I am a student in school. I tried looking for low income insurance but in the state I live in I do not qualify for any free insurance…. because im not pregnant.

Please help me.

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You are describing and experiencing the great dilemma so many Americans find themselves in. They do not have medical insurance and do not have the means to get medical attention. Yet, there are a number of things you may be able to do.

Unless you have a husband who earns a good income, you may qualify for government assistance because you are the mother of six kids. In fact, it is surprising that you do not qualify for state health insurance coverage given the number of children you are responsible for.

Be that as it may, perhaps you qualify for disability insurance. You are diagnosed with several psychiatric disabilities that may enable you to receive disability payments. You need to submit the necessary paper work in order to apply. You also need a medical doctor to submit his medical justification for disability. Evidently, last year you were under the care of a psychiatrist who may be willing to submit his part of the paper work. Disability comes under social security and you need to go to your local social security office in order to get and submit your part of the application.

However, there are additional options open to you. Like so many people who do not have medical insurance do, you can go to the local hospital emergency room and report your symptoms, the fact they are worsening because of the lack of insurance and report that you need medical attention for this. They can actually apply for emergency Medicaid so that you get at least temporary coverage. Medicaid comes under welfare and is different than medicare. You can ask about this. They will see you at the ER but you have to ask about Medicaid.

In addition to these things, you can speak to the doctor you were seeing for your adhd, etc., and ask him if any of the companies who make your medications, have programs for those not working. Some of them supply free medications for patients like you. It’s not guaranteed but it’s worth a try. Your doctor may also have some free samples that could help for a couple of weeks.

It a good idea for you to apply for Medicaid just so that you have some insurance. Medicaid is not wonderful because it pays little but it’s better than nothing and many hospitals and clinics accept it.

I am asking our readers if they have any suggestions for this woman?? Please submit you comments and suggestions.

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