Hearing Voices


At nights i have been hearing voices and i know i couldn’t be hearing them because no one is there and they arn’ like normal voices they are acully in my head but yet they have direction and always they come from the right side of me they are also getting worse more and more i know that they are not there but i still hear, i have also had alot of run ins with paranoia, anxiety, and social discontent it makes me feel like every one is talking about me or plotting against me i know its untrue but i still think it does this sound like anything that i should think about?

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From your description, it sounds like you’re experiencing auditory (sound) hallucinations. Hallucinations like this are not normally experienced by people, and often indicate that there is something out of balance inside the brain. Hallucinations like this can be caused by drug use (particularly ‘upper’ drugs like cocaine, and crystal meth), and also by a neurological illness called Schizophrenia. The best thing for you to do is to go to see a psychiatrist at a mental health center and tell him or her what you’ve been experiencing. The reason this is important is that doctors can prescribe medications that can reduce or in some cases eliminate the voices, helping you to feel more comfortable. If you’re feeling paranoid about seeing the doctor, maybe you can get a friend or family member to go with you. It’s important to recognize that the paranoid feeling, while strong and convincing, is not always accurate. Seeing a psychiatrist doctor is the best thing to do.

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