Diet And Anxiety


My 25 year old son is taking Effexor for his anxiety. When he takes it as directed, it seems to help, however he often forgets. When I remind him he becomes angry. When he does take the medication and starts feeling better, he feels he no longer needs the med and stops taking it. He also has a social anxiety and can’t hold a job. He is currently unemployed and lives at home. He also sleeps a lot and often says he does not feel well, complains of headaches and diaherra. Even though he sleeps a lot, he often feels tired. I know nutrition plays a role in mental health. He has a poor diet, mostly proteins and carbs, very few veggies or fruit. Do you have any suggestions?

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At the risk of offending you I am going to give you my suggestion. Give your son a one week deadline for finding a job and moving out into his own place. Stick to that deadline with absolutely no compromises and no flexability.

At present, your 25 year old son, a full and able bodied adult, has no incentive for doing anything with his life. Why not stay at home all day. You give him room, roof, bed and food. It costs him nothing. Great deal. NO, it must stop if you want him to live a full life. If he does not wish to live a full life, that is his choice, but, it should NOT be in your home.

For you to worry about whether or not this 25 year old man takes his medicine or not, as well as how he does or does not eat is absurd. You deserve your own life and, if you really love your son, you will insist that he get out into the world and learn how to survive.

Sorry for the bluntness but it is meant to drive home reality to you. Stop enabling his helpless and infantile behavior.

Good Luck

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