

dear doctor, I feel like nothing is real. I’m not real and everything thing else is a figment of my imagination. I feel like I’m dead and I’m just wondering around. and I feel like I’m gonna loose my mind if I don’t figure out what’s the matter or if it doesn’t go away. I’ve felt like this for 3 years. I’ve done drugs in the past but nothing that serious just weed and shrooms. thank you for your time and please answer me I would really like to know how it can be treated.

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What you are experiencing could be a lot of things. Whatever they are, they are disturbing and uncomfortable. Please get yourself over to see a Psychiatrist for a checkup as soon as you can. If you can find a Psychiatrist who specializes in treatment of drug addicted persons, so much the better (you may not be actively using, but your past drug use is very relevant here). Tell the Psychiatrist about your symptoms of feeling unreal, , and about your drug use. If you are still using drugs (weed, shrooms, or anything else!) you are best off getting clean as soon as you can – further drug use will only make your situation worse.

Note to other drug users out there. “Weed and Shrooms” are just not safe drugs, no matter how much you want them to be. Both of these drugs have hallucinogenic properties and can mess with your mind and moods. Some people are vulnerable to mental illness conditions but don’t know it. They get pushed over the edge by the drugs they experiment with. Once these latent conditions have been pushed over the edge in this manner (and have appeared to cause problems for the drug user) they (the conditions) don’t necessarily go away just because you stop using the drugs.

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