Am I Bisexual?


I have a question and I desperately need help. I think that I’m bisexual. Well I have this friend and I’m totally attracted to her…I think I’m in LOVE with her. And the problem is that we are kinda only like “hi” “bye” friends. I have a couple real good friends that hang out with her. I dunno what I should do. Usually when I like someone I am not nervous around them. And I’m totally nervous around her. Oh, I’m so confused. I have one more question. I was wondering when do you think it would be safe to start telling people that I’m bi…like come out of the closet?

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First of all, is the girl you’re attracted to bisexual as well? Often we fall in love with our idea of a person instead of who they actually are. This is why it is necessary to know the person before proclaiming our love for them. Is it possible that you are attracted to her in a nonsexual manner? It is common to feel attraction toward someone of the same sex without being bisexual or homosexual. Many people question their sexuality. A period of experimenting sexually with members of the same and opposite sex is natural, and does not mean that you are straight or gay. Don’t jump to conclusions. I suggest waiting a while before announcing your sexuality. You want to be sure before confiding in others. You should also be comfortable with yourself before you expect others to be comfortable with you. Don’t expect everyone to accept your decision. Best of luck, – Anne

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