Am I Bisexual?


Some quick background. I am a 24 year-old man, and have had sex with 4 women, been romantically involved with about 12 and have enjoyed all of my sexual experiences with these women, especially my current girlfriend. Also, I have been through about three bouts of depression, one very serious when I was 18. I had obsessive thoughts at that time that I was gay, although I didn’t really have any desire to be with another guy. They subsided for some time but are back again, and I am depressed and on medication (Effexor). This is very scary. I love my girlfriend and love having sex with her. Is this some sort of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? And it doesn’t make sense that I would be bisexual because I really don’t have a desire to be with another guy. Please help.

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From what you tell me I do not think that you are bisexual or gay. Even if you do have some desire to be with a man there is nothing wrong with that. It sounds like you are mostly paranoid that other people will think that you are gay. Did something happen when you were growing up or recently that makes you think you are gay? For example, where you teased about it. Finding the source if possible for your thoughts will help to alleviate them. My best advice for you is to be confident in your sexuality, and not to worry what to label it. Hope this helps, – Anne

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